Geometry worksheets for kids in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th grade. Calculating perimeter and area of parallelograms, triangles, L shapes and more 2D shapes.

Geometry worksheets for kids in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th grade. This section will teach how to calculate perimeter and area of parallelograms, triangles, L shapes and more 2D shapes. Polygons identification will be briefly reviewed. Download this cheat sheet summarising perimeters and areas of regularly encountered 2D shapes and figures.

Measuring and classifying angles


Measuring angles worksheet, classifying angles worksheet, measuring angles with protractor

Measuring and classifying angles using a protractor worksheet. Acute, obtuse, straight and right angles.

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Angles measurement and classification


 Acute, obtuse, straight and right angles measurement and identification.

Acute, obtuse, straight and right angles measurement and identification worksheet using a protractor.

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Perimeter and area of triangles


perimeter and area of triangles worksheet

Calculating the perimeter and the area of triangles worksheet. Finding the height of a triangle.

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Special triangles perimeters and areas


calculating the perimeter and area of isosceles, equilaterals and right triangles worksheet

Finding the perimeter and area of isosceles, equilaterals and right triangles worksheet. Review properties of triangles.

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How to calculate the perimter and area of rectangles


Perimeter of rectangle calculation

Calculating the perimeter of rectangles worksheet. Measuring the side of each rectangle and applying the perimeter formula.

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Pperimeter and area of any given parallelograms


Calculating the perimeter of parallelograms worksheet

Calculating the perimeter of parallelograms worksheet. Suming up the sides length of parallelograms for the perimeter.

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Perimeter and area of parallelograms calculation


Perimeter and area of parallelograms worksheet

Finding the perimeter and the area of given parallelograms worksheet. Calculating parallelograms area using combination of rectangle and triangle.

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Finding the perimeter and the area of trapesoid and L shapes


Perimeter of trapezoid and L shapes, area of trapezoid and L shapes.

Calculating the perimeter and the area of trapezoid and L shapes worksheet. Breaking down figures into known shapes and proceeding.

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Perimeter and area of circles calculation


Calculating the perimeter of circles worksheet, circumference of circles, area of circle, Pi.

Finding the perimeter and the area of a circle worksheet. Using Pi to find the measurements of the circle.

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Circumference and the area of circles


Circles circumference and area calculation worksheet

Calculate the circumference and the area of a circle worksheet. Trigonometry cheat sheet.

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Measuring lines and ruler reading


Measuring lines in mm, cm and meter worksheet, ruler reading worksheet

Measuring and writing down the values of a line segment using a ruler worksheet for grade 1 and 2. Reading ruler worksheet.

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Identifying and naming polygons


Identifying polygons worksheet, square, rectangle, triangle, trapezoid and more 2D shapes.

Identify polygons worksheet. Determining if a parallelogram is a square, rectangle, triangle, trapezoid or any other 2D shapes.

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