Free printable decimal worksheets with answers for grade 3-7, fractions to decimals and decimals to fractions conversion

Free printable decimal worksheets with answers for grade 3-7, fractions to decimals and decimals to fractions conversion will be treated in this section of the website. Kids will do practical worksheets on converting decimals to fractions, converting fractions to decimals worksheets, adding and subtracting decimals, multiplying and dividing decimals.

Adding and subtracting decimals


distributive property of multiplication worksheet with answers

Worksheet on addition and subtraction of decimals with positive and negative values. Adding and subtracting decimals worksheet 5th grade.

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Multiplying and dividing decimals


distributive property of multiplication worksheet with answers

Multiplying and dividing decimals worksheet with answers for grade 4 - 8. Multiply decimals by 10...1000. Check also decimal operations word problems.

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Mixed decimal operations


distributive property of multiplication worksheet with answers

Mixed decimal operations worksheet involving decimals addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of both positive and negative decimals.

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Decimals to fractions conversion


distributive property of multiplication worksheet with answers

Practical distributive property of multiplication worksheet. Great worksheet for grade 3 through 7. Also look for distributive property games and problems.

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Decimals to fractions conversion


distributive property of multiplication worksheet with answers

Decimal to fraction worksheet, convert decimal to fraction practical worksheets with anwers. Ordering fractions worksheet, decimals to fractions chart.

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Converting decimals to fractions


addition and subtraction of algebraic expressions worksheets with answers, games, quizzes, video tutorials

How to convert decimals to fractions without calculator, decimal to fraction worksheets for 4th and 5th grade. Repeating decimals to fractions convertion worksheet.

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Fractions to decimals conversion


order of operation worksheets with answers

Converting fractions to decimals using the fractions to decimal chart. Fraction to decimal worksheet grade 4 and 5th grade.

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Converting fractions to decimals


order of operation worksheets with answers

Conversion of fractions into decimals worksheets, converting fraction to decimal without a calculator. Fraction to decimal worksheet 5th grade.

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Decimals to fractions conversion – An Important Stage in Math Study

Decimals to fractions conversion and vice versa is an important step in math study and it is at this stage where children may lose interest in math because of not being able to solve the problems correctly. You should handle children while teaching these important steps very carefully. Here, the rounding whole numbers and decimals worksheet answers can be of a great help. Children should be taught this complicated process very gently so as to build their confidence. Let them do the Fractions to decimals conversion and vice versa at their pace and they will learn it slowly. If they can’t do it easily, you should not show tiredness or boredom, and should teach them patiently and lovingly. If they are shown love and interest at this tender age and stage of learning, they will gain the confidence for their entire life.